Information about the code adoption process
National or international codes and standards set the requirements for designing, manufacturing, installing, operating, and maintaining technical equipment. Adopting a code into regulation specifies which codes must be used in BC. Technical Safety BC is the delegated authority responsible for administering regulations for technical equipment in BC, such as the PEBPVRSR. These regulations adopt the national codes and standards.
How codes and standards bodies develop new editions of codes and standards
Codes and standards bodies, such as CSA and ASME, develop and publish new editions of codes on a regular cycle. This cycle typically takes several phases:
- Public review. Codes and standards bodies invite input from code users, technical equipment owners, and the public. Input can be about safety improvements, improvements to practices, recommendations from incidents, technological developments, or any other suggestions.
- Committee review. Committees of various industry backgrounds review and consider all the input gathered during public review and vote on changes to the codes and standards.
- Development and publishing. Based on the committee’s review, the codes and standards body revises the code or standard and develops any new clauses and sections. This results in a new edition.
Read more about CSA’s process for developing new editions of codes and standards
Read more about ASME’s process for developing new editions of codes and standards
How Technical Safety BC reviews new editions of codes and standards
As new editions of codes and standards are developed and published, Technical Safety BC reviews the new edition compared to what is currently in force in BC.
- Impact analysis. We work to understand the new edition in context of factors such as technology changes, safety improvements, changes to the practice of regulated work, and socio-economic impacts.
- BC-specific amendments. We consider whether the code needs BC-specific amendments for it to be usable in BC. BC-specific amendments are rare. We would consider why a requirement, especially safety improvements, should only exist in BC, and not apply nationally. Occasionally, amendments may be appropriate to align with BC-specific factors such as existing provincial laws and seismic requirements.
Once we understand the changes and their impacts, and have considered whether any BC-specific amendments may be appropriate, we start to engage our safety partners.
How Technical Safety BC engages industry on code adoption
Engaging with industry partners helps Technical Safety BC understand the potential impacts and outcomes of code changes. Industry partners often include licence and certificate holders, industry associations, and training providers. We may adjust our approach based on the feedback we receive through consultation.
- During code development. We encourage industry to get involved at the code development and public review stage. This way, industry can direct input into the code content. We notified industry when CSA held its public review on the CSA B51:24 and CSA B52:23 in 2023.
For adopting the code. We consult with industry on adopting new editions of codes for use in BC. We gather feedback on
- when industry can meet the requirements of the new code edition;
- the positive and negative impacts of the code changes;
- the impact of BC-specific amendments, if any; and
- whether industry supports adopting the new code edition.
How the Province adopts codes into regulation
Using a variety of expertise and tools—ranging from technical expertise, data analysis, to consultations with industry partners and the public—Technical Safety BC may make a recommendation to the Provincial Ministry to:
- adopt the new edition of the code as is;
- adopt the new edition of the code with any appropriate BC-specific amendments; or
- not adopt the new edition of the code.
The Ministry decides whether to accept our recommendation to adopt the codes. If the new edition of a code is adopted, the Ministry changes the regulations to require the new edition of a code. There may be a transition period in the regulation specifying the date that industry must comply with new requirements.
Learn more about Technical Safety BC’s regulatory framework

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