About the Code Adoption Process
Technical Safety BC is consulting on adopting the following codes for use in BC:
- CSA B44:19 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
- CSA B355:19 Platform lifts and stair lifts for barrier-free access
- CSA Z185:23 Safety code for personnel hoists
Additionally, we are consulting on adopting codes for introducing mast climbing transport platforms in BC:
- CSA B354.12:17 Design, calculations, safety requirements, and test methods for mast climbing transport platforms
- CSA B354.13:17 Safe use and best practices for mast climbing transport platforms
- CSA B354.14:17 Training for mast climbing transport platforms
Reasons for Adopting New Codes
Codes are developed nationally through the joint effort of the CSA and ASME to facilitate the implementation of uniform regulation across Canada and the United States. Adopting the current versions of the codes in BC will allow industry to:
- use emerging technologies and new associated requirements
- harmonize with other authorities having jurisdiction
- minimize safety gaps
Technical Safety BC's Role in Adopting Codes into Regulation
Technical Safety BC is an independent, self-funded, not-for-profit organization established by the Province of BC to administer the Safety Standards Act (SSA) and Elevating Devices Safety Regulation (EDSR), among other regulations. When Technical Safety BC identifies a need to amend regulations, we provide this recommendation to the Province and the Minister responsible for making a decision regarding adoption. Your feedback is essential in ensuring that any proposed changes carefully consider all impacts.
When new editions of the Codes are considered for adoption, Technical Safety BC reviews it in multiple ways to understand the safety, technical, socio-economic, and other impacts. This includes working with industry through advisory groups, and gaining feedback from industry, building owners, and affected groups through consultation.
Code Review Advisory Groups
In May-June 2023, we brought together advisory groups made up of several volunteers working in the industry and representatives of equipment owners. The advisory groups reviewed detailed changes to the codes and evaluated them based on:
- Consistency with provisions of the SSA and EDSR;
- Improvements to elevating devices safety;
- Clarification of new mandatory requirements;
- The potential impacts that the new code may have on the public, consumers, equipment owners, and industry.
The advisory group members identified several code changes that would require further clarification. We thank everyone who was able to participate in these advisory groups.