CSA Z185:23 Safety code for personnel hoists
The CSA Z185 Standard covers personnel hoists. The code was published in 1987 and reaffirmed in 2001; the 2023 edition of the code includes improvements to:
- Mandatory maintenance and record keeping
- New hoistway structure requirements
- New designs and technology
Mandatory Maintenance & Record Keeping
Mandatory Monthly Maintenance
Annex A
Annex A was a non-mandatory section stating that rack and pinions should be inspected at least once every 30 days to determine general condition and to measure the teeth wear and clearance. This new mandatory Annex keeps the monthly teeth wear and clearance check and otherwise specifies that maintenance is required to follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Manufacturer’s Instructions for Maintenance
Maintenance is required to follow manufacturer instructions. Maintenance intervals are to be determined by factors such as frequency, intensity of use and operating environment. Previously, maintenance requirements were in a non-mandatory appendix and only referenced monthly wire rope inspections and rack and pinion gear inspections. There was also reference to daily checks, which were performed by the operator and were not considered maintenance tasks. Enhancements of this section include:
A “responsible party” is required to maintain a record pertinent to the safe use of the personnel hoist.
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is required to be performed on hoists twenty years after the date of manufacture, and then after every five calendar years, or as determined by an engineer. NDT testing helps identify fatigued metal and possible failure points in equipment before a failure occurs. A critical component list for NDT must be created by the original manufacturer or a qualified engineer.
There are detailed requirements for maintenance logs, operator training records and operator qualifications. Every hoist is to be equipped with a sign to ensure anyone with access to a hoist understands the requirement of a qualified operator. The maintenance log book shall be kept on the device or near the device location or, if it is kept at another location on the site, a notice shall be posted at the device location indicating the alternate location.
New Hoistway Structure Requirements
Changes in the code introduce new requirements to improve safety of the hoistway structure such as:
Hoistway doors are required to have a detailed engineered drawing outlining how they are fastened to the adjacent structure.
There are new design requirements for hoistway landing platforms and supporting structures. These requirements ensure that landing platforms are designed to sustain all loads imposed on them.
There are revisions to ensure workers located on landings are protected from moving hoists. Previously, hoistway enclosures on landing sides were not required above 8-ft in height where a car door interlock was installed, leaving a very high hazard above the enclosure when a hoist passes. A fatal incident recently occurred in Quebec where a worker on a ladder was leaning over top of a hoistway enclosure and was struck by a descending hoist. The Code requires hoarding above 8-ft even when there is a car door interlock installed. Where hoarding above landing entrances is over 12-ft in height, the Code permits the hoarding above 12-ft to be constructed of chain link fence to guard workers.
Hoistway enclosures are now required to extend at least 4-ft from the moving car instead of 2-ft, recognizing that most people can reach around 2-ft. This ensures workers cannot reach around an enclosure and be struck by a passing hoist.
There is a requirement for overhead protection at landings including strength requirements, fire retardant sheathing and clear direction on protected areas.
Hoistway protection requirements will apply to all
New Designs and Technology
Software Requirements for Solid State Devices
There is an addition for new software running on solid state devices in the control room. Solid state devices require redundant software so failures cannot happen simultaneously. Solid state devices also require protection from electromagnetic interference.
Emergency Stopping
Design considerations for controlled emergency stopping and a list of permissible electrical protective devices (EPDs) for controlled emergency stopping.
Overload Protection Devices and Larger Hoists
The Code allows for reduced rated load to car platform size ratio when equipped with an overload detection device. This allows for a bigger hoist at the same capacity (400kg/ per metre square is permissible when an overload protection device is equipped).
Anticipated Impacts
Manufacturers will be required to consider design requirements for new technologies (e.g., overhead protection devices & top mast sensing devices) and equipment (e.g., elastomeric buffers, emergency stop switches & controlled emergency stopping).
Contractors will need to understand the new permissible technologies, designs, and equipment, and will need to ensure they comply with maintenance and testing requirements in mandatory Annex A. There is also a new section on logbook, records, and report of operator qualifications.
Mechanics will be responsible for implementing the various Code changes in the field and ensuring they are properly trained on new equipment and understanding the new requirements. Mechanics will need to understand the new mandatory inspection and maintenance standards. There is a new requirement to conduct a non-destructive test on hoists after the initial 20 year-period of manufacture, and then after every 5 years.
Asset owners may be impacted by longer wait times where NDT testing is required for units that are 20 years or older.