Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change

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The Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic program outline will be changing, based on changes ITABC made to the Millwright (Level 1 & 2, effective March 2017) and Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2, effective October 2020) program outlines. The major proposed changes include:

  • Removal of machine hydraulics from the ITA Millwright program outline and therefore the Class C program outline, representing the removal of approximately 20 hours of class time from the Class C program outline.
  • Addition of 14 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Millwright (Level 1 & 2) program outline
  • Addition of 19 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2) program outline
  • Revision of the Class C elevator mechanic exam content, scheduled for early 2022, including removal of machine hydraulics content, and revisions to reflect additions above.

The complete list of proposed changes to the Class C program outline can be accessed through the background documents on the right.

Consultation - Have Your Say

We’d like to hear from Class C (construction hoist) mechanics-in-training, Class C elevating device mechanics, and Class C contractors on the following:

  • Impact of additions to the Class C program outline
  • Impact of removal of machine hydraulics from the Class C program outline
  • Use of hydraulic personnel hoists and potential for supplementary education
  • Training requirements on 480V equipment
  • Editorial adjustments needed to the Class C program outline
  1. Respond to the survey below by September 20
  2. Follow this page for updates
  3. Join us at the townhall webinar on October 20 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to learn about, and share your thoughts on, the changes to the Class C program outline. A presentation of the changes to the Class C program outline will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Register here

December 1, 2021 Update - 'What We Heard' Report

Thank you to everyone who provided input on the Class C program outline revision. The feedback received and next steps are summarized in the 'What We Heard' report on the right.

The Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic program outline will be changing, based on changes ITABC made to the Millwright (Level 1 & 2, effective March 2017) and Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2, effective October 2020) program outlines. The major proposed changes include:

  • Removal of machine hydraulics from the ITA Millwright program outline and therefore the Class C program outline, representing the removal of approximately 20 hours of class time from the Class C program outline.
  • Addition of 14 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Millwright (Level 1 & 2) program outline
  • Addition of 19 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2) program outline
  • Revision of the Class C elevator mechanic exam content, scheduled for early 2022, including removal of machine hydraulics content, and revisions to reflect additions above.

The complete list of proposed changes to the Class C program outline can be accessed through the background documents on the right.

Consultation - Have Your Say

We’d like to hear from Class C (construction hoist) mechanics-in-training, Class C elevating device mechanics, and Class C contractors on the following:

  • Impact of additions to the Class C program outline
  • Impact of removal of machine hydraulics from the Class C program outline
  • Use of hydraulic personnel hoists and potential for supplementary education
  • Training requirements on 480V equipment
  • Editorial adjustments needed to the Class C program outline
  1. Respond to the survey below by September 20
  2. Follow this page for updates
  3. Join us at the townhall webinar on October 20 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to learn about, and share your thoughts on, the changes to the Class C program outline. A presentation of the changes to the Class C program outline will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Register here

December 1, 2021 Update - 'What We Heard' Report

Thank you to everyone who provided input on the Class C program outline revision. The feedback received and next steps are summarized in the 'What We Heard' report on the right.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for participating in this consultation. This survey collects information on the impact of the proposed Class C Program outline changes on the construction hoist industry. The information collected will inform the final program outline.

    The survey consists of close-ended and open-ended questions, and should take around 6 minutes to complete. Please begin the survey below.

    Share Class C Program Outline Change - Consultation Survey on Facebook Share Class C Program Outline Change - Consultation Survey on Twitter Share Class C Program Outline Change - Consultation Survey on Linkedin Email Class C Program Outline Change - Consultation Survey link
Page last updated: 01 Dec 2021, 11:57 AM