Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change
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The Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic program outline will be changing, based on changes ITABC made to the Millwright (Level 1 & 2, effective March 2017) and Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2, effective October 2020) program outlines. The major proposed changes include:
Removal of machine hydraulics from the ITA Millwright program outline and therefore the Class C program outline, representing the removal of approximately 20 hours of class time from the Class C program outline.
Addition of 14 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Millwright (Level 1 & 2) program outline
Addition of 19 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2) program outline
Revision of the Class C elevator mechanic exam content, scheduled for early 2022, including removal of machine hydraulics content, and revisions to reflect additions above.
The complete list of proposed changes to the Class C program outline can be accessed through the background documents on the right.
Consultation - Have Your Say
We’d like to hear from Class C (construction hoist) mechanics-in-training, Class C elevating device mechanics, and Class C contractors on the following:
Impact of additions to the Class C program outline
Impact of removal of machine hydraulics from the Class C program outline
Use of hydraulic personnel hoists and potential for supplementary education
Training requirements on 480V equipment
Editorial adjustments needed to the Class C program outline
Respond to the survey below by September 20
Follow this page for updates
Join us at the townhall webinar on October 20 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to learn about, and share your thoughts on, the changes to the Class C program outline. A presentation of the changes to the Class C program outline will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Register here
December 1, 2021 Update - 'What We Heard' Report
Thank you to everyone who provided input on the Class C program outline revision. The feedback received and next steps are summarized in the 'What We Heard' report on the right.
The Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic program outline will be changing, based on changes ITABC made to the Millwright (Level 1 & 2, effective March 2017) and Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2, effective October 2020) program outlines. The major proposed changes include:
Removal of machine hydraulics from the ITA Millwright program outline and therefore the Class C program outline, representing the removal of approximately 20 hours of class time from the Class C program outline.
Addition of 14 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Millwright (Level 1 & 2) program outline
Addition of 19 hours to the overall class time in the Class C program outline as a result of additions to the ITA Construction Electrician (Level 1 & 2) program outline
Revision of the Class C elevator mechanic exam content, scheduled for early 2022, including removal of machine hydraulics content, and revisions to reflect additions above.
The complete list of proposed changes to the Class C program outline can be accessed through the background documents on the right.
Consultation - Have Your Say
We’d like to hear from Class C (construction hoist) mechanics-in-training, Class C elevating device mechanics, and Class C contractors on the following:
Impact of additions to the Class C program outline
Impact of removal of machine hydraulics from the Class C program outline
Use of hydraulic personnel hoists and potential for supplementary education
Training requirements on 480V equipment
Editorial adjustments needed to the Class C program outline
Respond to the survey below by September 20
Follow this page for updates
Join us at the townhall webinar on October 20 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to learn about, and share your thoughts on, the changes to the Class C program outline. A presentation of the changes to the Class C program outline will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Register here
December 1, 2021 Update - 'What We Heard' Report
Thank you to everyone who provided input on the Class C program outline revision. The feedback received and next steps are summarized in the 'What We Heard' report on the right.
Thank you for participating in this consultation. This survey collects information on the impact of the proposed Class C Program outline changes on the construction hoist industry. The information collected will inform the final program outline.
The survey consists of close-ended and open-ended questions, and should take around 6 minutes to complete. Please begin the survey below.
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Page last updated: 01 Dec 2021, 11:57 AM
Pre-Consultation Planning
Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change has finished this stage
Consultation Open
Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change has finished this stage
Industry is invited to comment on the changes to the Class C program outline. Respond to the survey below by September 20, 2021 at 11:59 PM.
Under Review
Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change has finished this stage
Thank you to everyone who provided input. We are reviewing your responses, and using them to inform the final program outline.
Townhall Webinar - October 20, 2021
Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change has finished this stage
Join us on October 20 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to learn about, and share your thoughts on, the changes to the Class C program outline. A presentation of the changes to the Class C program outline will be followed by Q&A and discussion. Register here
Consultation Concluded
Class C Elevating Devices Mechanic Program Outline Change is currently at this stage
Thank you to everyone who provided input on the Class C program outline revision. The revised program outline will be released by early 2022.