Proposed Fees 2024-2025
Status: Consultation Closed & Fee Changes Announced
Final Decision Following the General Fee Consultation, Technical Safety BC’s Board met on September 12, 2023 and approved the following for the 2024 – 2025 Fee Changes:
Most fee changes will come into effect January 1, 2024 These fee changes have been made after taking client feedback into consideration to minimize impact to clients. As a self-funded, not-for-profit safety regulator, we have used multiple levers to keep fee increases at a minimum for our clients. We have closed underused offices, reduced operating budgets, deferred hiring new roles and eliminated multiple roles within the organization. The new fee structure is in place to offset growing costs and maintain safety oversight in BC. |
As the economic landscape in BC continues to change, many of us have been faced with difficult decisions to offset growing operating costs and inflation. At Technical Safety BC, we have done everything possible to keep fee increases at a minimum for our clients, including closing underused offices, reducing operating budgets, and eliminating multiple roles. However, to allow us to continue advancing the safety system and maintain essential staffing levels, we are proposing to increase general fees by 7% in 2024 and 4% in 2025.
This consultation closed as of Friday, June 16, 2023. We thank everyone who took the time to participate. We invite you to read the report below to learn what we heard during the consultation and the next steps before we make our final decision on our 2024-2025 fees.
Technical Safety BC is a self-funded, not-for-profit safety regulator. Fees are set to recover costs related to safety oversight, including educational programs; public safety campaigns such as recalls, hazard awareness, and safety alerts; investigating incidents; assessing equipment and systems; and finding ways to innovate and improve programs and services for our safety partners and clients. Read more about our recent service improvements, what we’ve done to reduce our costs, and how your fees help us strengthen our safety system.
Status: Consultation Closed & Fee Changes Announced
Final Decision Following the General Fee Consultation, Technical Safety BC’s Board met on September 12, 2023 and approved the following for the 2024 – 2025 Fee Changes:
Most fee changes will come into effect January 1, 2024 These fee changes have been made after taking client feedback into consideration to minimize impact to clients. As a self-funded, not-for-profit safety regulator, we have used multiple levers to keep fee increases at a minimum for our clients. We have closed underused offices, reduced operating budgets, deferred hiring new roles and eliminated multiple roles within the organization. The new fee structure is in place to offset growing costs and maintain safety oversight in BC. |
As the economic landscape in BC continues to change, many of us have been faced with difficult decisions to offset growing operating costs and inflation. At Technical Safety BC, we have done everything possible to keep fee increases at a minimum for our clients, including closing underused offices, reducing operating budgets, and eliminating multiple roles. However, to allow us to continue advancing the safety system and maintain essential staffing levels, we are proposing to increase general fees by 7% in 2024 and 4% in 2025.
This consultation closed as of Friday, June 16, 2023. We thank everyone who took the time to participate. We invite you to read the report below to learn what we heard during the consultation and the next steps before we make our final decision on our 2024-2025 fees.
Technical Safety BC is a self-funded, not-for-profit safety regulator. Fees are set to recover costs related to safety oversight, including educational programs; public safety campaigns such as recalls, hazard awareness, and safety alerts; investigating incidents; assessing equipment and systems; and finding ways to innovate and improve programs and services for our safety partners and clients. Read more about our recent service improvements, what we’ve done to reduce our costs, and how your fees help us strengthen our safety system.
What We Heard: Full Report
Share What We Heard: Full Report on Facebook Share What We Heard: Full Report on Twitter Share What We Heard: Full Report on Linkedin Email What We Heard: Full Report linkIntroduction
From May 10–June 16, 2023, we engaged with our clients and industry partners on proposed fee changes for 2024–2025. The proposed changes included:
- a general fee increase of 7% in 2024 and 4% in 2025;
- charging the same fee across all technologies, with cost depending on exam delivery (paper, digital remote, digital in-person, or practical);
- reducing fees for electrical permits with lower job values, while increasing 8% in 2024 for electrical permits with job valued over $1000; and
- charging hourly rates for administrative, safety, and professional services, with the same rate across all technologies.
Outreach and Participation
Before the consultation, we met with 12 industry associations and surveyed over 950 clients about their industry’s financial outlook and sentiment around certification fees.
We notified 70,000+ clients and associations about the consultation by email. In total, 277 clients and industry partners submitted survey responses or emails, or attended meetings and feedback sessions. In comparison, 850+ participants participated in the fee consultation for the 2021–2023 fee cycle.
Meetings & feedback sessions
All Participants Profile
The data below includes information from the client survey, email and engagement sessions.
Most participants work with the electrical and boilers, pressure vessels & refrigeration technologies.
Note: Participants may work with more than one technology.
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration
Elevating Devices
Amusement Devices
Passenger Ropeways
Participant Type
Most participants were either contractors or certificate holders.
Participant Type
Certificate holder
Facilities operator
Facility owner
Facility administrator
Industry association
Student or apprentice
Training provider
Government/ Regulatory authority
Survey Participants Profile
The following questions were asked in the survey only. The profile below does not include consultation participants who provided feedback through email or meetings.
Geographic Region
Participants work in a variety of regions across the province.
Note: Participants may work in more than one region.
Survey question: Which area(s) do you work in?
Number of responses to this question: 242Region
Lower Mainland
Vancouver Island
Outside of BC
Construction is the top industry represented, followed by services and manufacturing.
*Note: Industry classifications are adapted from the NAICS classification (North American Industry Classification System).
Survey question: Which industry are you in?
Number of responses to this question: 138Industry (Top 5)
Transportation and public utilities
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Length of time working in industry
Many participants who answered the survey have been working in their industry for 20 years or more.
Survey question: How long have you worked in this industry?
Number of responses to this question: 129Length of time working in industry
Less than 1 year
1 year to less than 3 years
3 years to less than 5 years
5 years to less than 10 years
10 years to less than 15 years
15 years to less than 20 years
20 years or more
Business size
The majority of participants work in small businesses with less than 100 employees.
Note: Business sizes are classified according to Statistics Canada definitions.
Survey question: How many employees does your business employ (including yourself)?
Number of responses to this question: 120Business size
Small business (1-99 employees)
Medium business (100-499 employees)
Large business (500+ employees)
Summary of Survey Responses
Survey participants rated the impact each proposed fee change would have on their business or personal finances, from minimal to severe. The comments below summarize the feedback received through the survey, email, and meetings.
General Fee Increase
Impact of general fee increase
Most participants responded that the proposed general fee increase (7% in 2024 and 4% in 2025) would have a moderate (36%) or low (25%) impact on their business or personal finances.
Survey question: If we were to increase most fees by 7% in 2024 and by 4% in 2025, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 211Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
Summary of Comments
- Cost of living and working is also increasing.
- High fees may discourage consumers from wanting to get permits and hire licensed contractors.
- General fee increase affects certification renewal fees. Some certificate holders feel they should not have to pay a renewal fee to maintain their certificate.
In comparison, we received over 55% negative comments in response to the consultation for the 2021–2023 general fee increase, and most comments related to the economic impact of the pandemic.
Certification Exams
Impact of separating evaluation and exam fees
An almost equal number of participants rated the impact of separating the certificate evaluation and exam fees as minimal, low, moderate, or severe. Of the 39 certificate holders responding that they use this service, 28% rated this proposed change as a severe impact, 21% moderate rated it as, and 21% rated it as low.
Survey question: Currently, some technologies have a separate non-refundable evaluation of qualification fee and exam fee. If we were to separate all certification exam fees into a non-refundable evaluation of qualification fee and an exam fee, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 100Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Impact of proposed exam fees
Most participants rated the impact of the proposed certificate exam fees (in 2024: $220 for paper in-person exams, $189 for digital in-person exams, $179 for digital remote exams, and $331 for practical exams) as severe (27%) or moderate (21%). Of the 42 certificate holders responding that they use this service, 38% rated this proposed change as a severe impact, and 29% rated it as moderate.
Survey question: If we were to charge the following exam fees for all technologies, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 100Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I don’t do this type of work
Customized fees for offsite exam invigilation
Survey question: We have proposed to charge customized fees when our employees invigilate exams outside of our office, instead of the current exam invigilation fee schedule. Do you have any questions or concerns about this change?
Number of responses to this question: 26 comments (included in Summary of Comments)Summary of Comments
- High fees may discourage people from wanting to enter these professions and trades.
- Additional fees for exam invigilation may disadvantage examinees in remote communities.
Electrical Permits
Change of definition for electrical installation permit fees
Most participants (53%) responded that using the Electrical Safety Regulation's definition of "fully detached dwelling" would clarify when to use the "single family dwelling" electrical installation permit category or the "other" electrical installation permit category. Of the 27 electrical contractors responding that they do this type of work, 78% responded that this clarifies which type of permit to use.
Survey question: We have proposed to use the Electrical Safety Regulation definition of “fully detached dwelling” instead of the BC Electrical Code definition of “single family dwelling” for the “Contractor Installation Permits – Single Family Dwelling” fee in the electrical fee schedule. Do you think this would help to clarify the type of electrical permit to use in this case?
Number of responses to this question: 64Responses
Yes, this helps to clarify which permit to use.
No, I still have questions about which permit to use.
I don’t do this type of work.
Electrical installation permit fees for small jobs under $1000
Most participants responded that lowering the electrical installation permit fees for small jobs under $1000 would somewhat resolve their concerns but the reduced fees are too high (34%), or that this proposed change would resolve their concerns (20%). Of the 30 electrical contractors responding that they do this type of work, 60% responded that this would somewhat resolve their concerns but the reduced fees are too high, and 17% responded that this would resolve their concerns. Many participants who commented would prefer the fees for the $400-$1000 tier to be lowered further or for electrical permit fees to be charged as a percentage of the job value.
Survey question: We’ve heard a lot of feedback about fees for electrical installation permits for small jobs. If we were to change the fee tiers for permits with job values lower than $1000 and reduce these fees, would this resolve your concerns?
Number of responses to this question: 65Responses
I never had concerns about the electrical installation permits for small jobs.
Yes, this resolves my concerns.
Somewhat, but these proposed job value ranges don’t reflect what I see in the field.
Somewhat, but the reduced fees are still too high.
No, this didn’t resolve my concerns.
I don’t do this type of work.
Survey question: If you were to change the fee tiers for electrical permits with job values lower than and up to $1000, what would you change them to? Please feel free to add details.
Number of responses to this question: 11 comments (included in Summary of Comments)Electrical installation permits with job values higher than $1000
Most participants responded the proposed 8% increase in 2024 to fees for electrical installation permits with job values higher than $1000 would be a moderate (34%) or severe impact (22%). Of the 30 electrical contractors responding that they do this type of work, 53% responded that this proposed change would be a moderate impact, 23% responded it would be a severe impact, and 20% responded it would be low.
Survey question: If we were to increase the fees by 8% in 2024 and 4% in 2025 for electrical installation permits with job values higher than $1000, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 65Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I don’t do this type of work
Summary of Comments
- Larger businesses can absorb higher increases.
- Reduced fees for lower tiers is a positive step. Fees for job values around $1000 are still too high for homeowners.
- Charge contractor electrical installation permit fees as a percentage of the job value.
Hourly Rates for Administrative, Safety, and Professional Services
Administrative Services Hourly Rates
Of the 35 participants responding that they use administrative services, 29% responded that the proposed fees for administrative services in all technologies would be a severe impact, 26% responded it would be minimal, and 23% responded it would be moderate.
Survey question: We charge an administrative services fee at an hourly rate for services such as issuing replacement certificates and producing custom reports. If we were to charge the same fee for all technologies ($80/hour in 2024 and $83/hour in 2025), how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 47Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Safety Services Hourly Rates
Of the 38 participants responding that they use safety services, 34% responded that the proposed fees for safety services in all technologies would be a moderate impact, and 32% responded it would be severe.
Survey question: We charge a safety services fee at an hourly rate for services such as re-inspections and reviewing variances. If we were to charge the same fee for all technologies ($196/hour in 2024 and $204 in 2025), how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 47Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Professional Services – Compliance and Enforcement Program Hourly Rates
Of the 36 participants responding that they use professional services in the compliance and enforcement program, 36% responded that the proposed fees for professional services would be a moderate impact, and 28% responded it would be severe.
Survey question: We charge a professional services fee at an hourly rate for services in the compliance & enforcement program such as compliance audits. If we were to raise this fee to $196/hour in 2024 and $204 in 2025, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 47Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Professional Services – Alternative Safety Approaches Program Hourly Rates
Of the 35 participants responding that they use professional services in the alternative safety approaches program, 46% responded that the proposed fees for professional services would be a moderate impact, and 29% responded it would be severe.
Survey question: We charge a professional services fee at an hourly rate for services in the alternative safety approaches program such as evaluations and audits. If we were to raise this fee to $356/hour in 2024 and $370 in 2025, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 47Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Professional Services – All Technologies Hourly Rates
Of the 34 participants responding that they use professional services in any technology, 41% responded that the proposed fees for professional services in all technologies would be a moderate impact, and 29% responded it would be severe.
Survey question: We charge a professional services fee at an hourly rate for services in the electrical, gas, boilers & pressure vessels, elevating devices, passenger ropeways, amusement devices, railways, and homeowner electrical & gas technologies, for services such as custom services by senior safety officers. If we were to charge the same fee for all technologies of ($295/hour in 2024 and $307 in 2025) for future professional services, how much would this impact you and your business?
Number of responses to this question: 46Responses
Minimal impact. This is not a significant part of my budget
Low impact. This might increase my operating costs, but I would still be able to work/my business would still be able to work/my business would still be able to operate with minimal to no disruption
Moderate impact. This would greatly increase my operating costs, and I would have serious concerns about being able to pay the bills, losing business, or major disruptions
Severe impact. This would prevent me from working or close my business
Don’t know
I do not use this service
Summary of Comments
- Reassessment fees seem high, considering that many reassessments are done remotely.
- Remote assessment fees should be reduced to consider the lower cost to conduct a remote assessment rather than a physical assessment.
Design Registration
No increase to design registration fees
Most participants (66%) felt that it was reasonable not to increase the design registration fees because of the plans to consult on overall program changes and associated fees.
Survey question: We have proposed no increases to design registration fees at this time, because we will consult on program changes and fees over the next few years. Do you feel that this proposal is reasonable?
Number of responses to this question: 29Responses
Yes, it is reasonable not to increase the design registration fees
No, the design registration fees should also increase by 7% in 2024 and 4% in 2025
Don’t know
Changing wording in fee schedule for gas design registration
Survey question: We have proposed to change the term “design approval” to “design registration” in the gas fee schedule. Would this clarify the difference between gas design registration and gas product approvals?
Number of responses to this question: 29Responses
Yes, this clarifies the difference between gas design registration and gas product approvals
No, the difference between gas design registration and gas product approvals is still unclear
I do not use this service
Credit Card Transaction Limits
Survey question: If we were to stop accepting credit card payments greater than $5,000 and accept only electronic funds transfer (EFT) or cheque, which would you prefer to use?
Number of responses to this question: 49Responses
I do not make payments greater than $5,000
Either EFT or cheque would be fine
I don’t have access to EFT or cheque
Don’t know
Late Fees
Survey question: We are considering changing how we charge late fees in 2025 or later. If we were to charge a late fee of 5% of the balance owing + 1% of each full month past the due date, do you think this would encourage timely payments?
Number of responses to this question: 43Responses
Yes, I think this would be effective in encouraging timely payments
Yes, but I think this amount is too punitive
No, I think this is not strong enough (You should charge more than 5% of the balance owing +1% of each full month past the due date)
No, I think late fees are not an effective way to encourage timely payments
No, I think this would discourage people from paying at all
Fee Removals
Removing fees for certifications and exams no longer offered
Survey question: We have proposed to remove several fees for certification services that are no longer necessary. Do you have any concerns about removing these fees?
Number of responses to this question: 96Responses
I have no concerns
Yes, I have concerns about removing the re-examination fee
Yes, I have concerns about removing the exam re-booking fee
Yes, I have concerns about removing the welder performance qualification fee
Yes, I have concerns about removing the API & National Board exam fee
Yes, I have concerns about removing the greenhouse boiler operator fee
Removing fees for change of ownership
Survey question: We have proposed to remove the change of ownership fee from all fee schedules. Do you have any concerns about removing these fees?
Number of responses to this question: 40Responses
Yes, I have concerns about removing the change of ownership fee
No, I have no concerns
Removing fees for design registration services no longer offered
Survey question: We have proposed to remove two fees for design registration services that are no longer offered. Do you have any concerns about removing these fees?
Number of responses to this question: 28Responses
I have no concerns
Yes, I have concerns about removing the electrical product approval fee
Yes, I have concerns about removing the boiler design compliance consultation rate
Summary of Comments
- Keep the certification re-examination fee higher than the examination fee to encourage examinees to prepare better for their exams.
Fee Schedule
Issues with fee schedules
Survey question: When looking at the fee schedules, which of the following issues do you have, if any?
Number of responses to this question: 120Responses
None, the fee schedules are fine as they are
It’s hard to find the fee I am looking for
I’m not sure what services are included in the fees
The fee schedule is sorted by technology first, not services required
I’m not sure which fee to pay
It’s hard to read a PDF
What fee schedules are used for
Survey question: What do you use the fee schedules for?
Number of responses to this question: 148Responses
Calculating how much I need to pay
Understanding the cost of an exam, certification, or licensing
Understanding what services are included in the fees
Comparing what I would pay this year vs next year
Understanding what kinds of work I need a permit for
Comparing TSBC’s fees to other jurisdictions
I don’t look at the fee schedules
Where clients find fee schedules
Survey question: Where do you normally go to find our fees?
Number of responses to this question: 148Responses
I look at the fee schedules on your website
I log in to the client portal
I wait for an invoice
I call you
Don’t know
Summary of Comments
The complicated layout of the fee schedules makes them difficult to understand.
- Fee schedules are often used for pricing job quotes
Next Steps
In our final recommendation to our Board of Directors on the fees for 2024–2025, we are considering all feedback that we received through this consultation, our pre-consultation, and other inputs such as BC’s consumer price index, and the financial outlook of BC’s industries.
If the Board of Directors approves, the new fees for 2024–2025 will be announced by early October 2023, and will be in effect January 1, 2024.
If you have questions or comments, contact
General Proposed Changes
Share General Proposed Changes on Facebook Share General Proposed Changes on Twitter Share General Proposed Changes on Linkedin Email General Proposed Changes linkTwo-year fee schedule. Instead of a three-year fee schedule, we propose issuing a two-year fee schedule for 2024-2025. We have heard that some of you prefer knowing what the fees will be up to three years in advance. However, given the uncertainty of the economy, we opted for a two-year cycle, which will provide the flexibility to:
- Respond to the changing economic conditions. If the economy improves or worsens, we don’t want to be fixed for three years with a fee schedule that only serves today’s economic conditions.
- Improve how fees are structured. We’ve heard feedback that some fees are too high or confusing to understand, which is why we’re scaling electrical installation permit fees depending on job size. We’d like to continue to identify and resolve any concerns with process or structure, and a shorter fee schedule allows us to make those changes for you sooner.
If you have any ideas or concerns about specific fees, please tell us through our survey.
General fee increase. We propose a 7% increase to most fees in 2024, and a 4% increase to most fees in 2025. We are proposing changes to how we structure some of our fees, which means some fees may increase by more than 7% and others may increase by less.
- Certification evaluation and exam fees: We propose charging different fees for different modes of exams, such as taking a digital exam remotely or in person. These exam fees would be the same across all technologies. As a result, the fees in some technologies would increase by different amounts (some by more than 7% and others less). Read more details.
- Electrical installation permits: We propose scaling permit fees by reducing fees for lower value jobs and increasing fees for higher value jobs. Read more details.
- Administrative services rate: We propose charging the same administrative hourly rate across all technologies. As a result, the fees in some technologies would increase by more than 7% and others would be reduced. Read more details.
- Safety services rate: We propose charging the same safety services hourly rate across all technologies. As a result, the fees in some technologies would increase by different amounts (some by more than 7% and others less). Read more details.
- Design registration fees: We propose no increases to design registration fees at this time. We plan to consult on design registration program and service changes in the upcoming years, along with the associated fees. Read more details.
Credit card limits. We propose that all payments of $5,000 or more must be paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT) or by cheque. This will allow us to reduce overhead costs.
Late fees. We propose to change how we charge late fees. We are proposing a different penalty for overdue payments. While currently we charge a flat fee for late charges, we propose a charge of 5% of the balance owed + 1% of each full month past the due date. These late fees are to encourage timely payments and help recover the costs of unpaid invoices.
Removed: Change of ownership fees. We no longer charge a fee to transfer existing permits and accounts to new homeowners or business owners. We propose removing the change of ownership fees from the electrical and homeowner fee schedules (the only fee schedules that listed these fees).
Certification and Exams
Share Certification and Exams on Facebook Share Certification and Exams on Twitter Share Certification and Exams on Linkedin Email Certification and Exams linkCertification evaluation of qualification and exam fees. We propose two separate fees that will be charged when you apply to take a certification exam:
- An evaluation of qualification fee for reviewing your pre-requisite documents and assessing whether you are qualified to write an exam to better reflect the effort it takes to review certification applications. This fee is non-refundable.
- An exam fee for writing the exam and recovering the costs of grading, test materials, and administration. The same fee would be charged for re-examination fees. The exam fee is refundable according to our refund policy for certification.
We propose charging the following exam fees for all technologies:
Type of exam
2023 fee
Proposed 2024 fee
Proposed 2025 fee
Paper, in person (for power engineer essay exams)
Digital, in person
$148 - $237
Digital, remote
$148 - $237
Practical, in person (for Class A pressure welders)
Based on the remote digital exam fees above, you can compare what a certificate applicant would pay with the proposed evaluation of qualification and exam fees.
Certificate type
2023 fee
Proposed 2024 fee
Proposed 2025 fee
Electrical field safety representative
Includes a non-refundable $293 evaluation of qualification fee
$314 evaluation of qualification
$179 exam
$327 evaluation of qualification
$186 exam
Gas fitter
Includes certificate and a non-refundable $219 evaluation of qualification fee
$234 evaluation of qualification
$179 exam
$243 evaluation of qualification
$186 exam
Power engineer (first to second class)
$112 evaluation of qualification
$162 per exam
$120 evaluation of qualification
$220 per paper exam
$125 evaluation of qualification
$229 per paper exam
Power engineer (second to fifth class), refrigeration operator
$112 evaluation of qualification
$162 per exam
$120 evaluation of qualification
$189 per digital in-person exam
$125 evaluation of qualification
$197 per digital in-person exam
Pressure welder (Class A)
$112 evaluation of qualification
$309 exam
$120 evaluation of qualification
$328 exam
$125 evaluation of qualification
$341 exam
Oil well boiler operator, safety awareness
$112 evaluation of qualification
$162 exam
$120 evaluation of qualification
$179 exam
$125 evaluation of qualification
$186 exam
Ice facility operator
$112 evaluation of qualification
$237 exam
$120 evaluation of qualification
$179 exam
$125 evaluation of qualification
$186 exam
Elevating devices mechanic
$224 evaluation of qualification
$192 exam
$240 evaluation of qualification
$179 exam
$250 evaluation of qualification
$186 exam
Travel fee for offsite exam invigilation. We propose customized travel fees for Technical Safety BC employees who invigilate exams outside Technical Safety BC offices, instead of our current education exam invigilation fees. These fees are intended to recover costs for employee travel from one of our offices, and are charged in addition to core invigilation fees.
Removed: Re-examination fee. We propose charging the same fees for exams and re-taking exams, and no longer require a separate fee.
Removed: Exam re-booking fee. We will no longer charge exam re-booking fees. Now that certificate exams can be booked through our new Online Services for certification, this fee is no longer relevant.
Replacement certificate fee (administrative services). We propose charging the same fee for all technologies when issuing a replacement or duplicate wallet card (under the administrative services hourly rate).
2023 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2024 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2025 fee (per hour)
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration
Elevating Devices
Passenger Ropeways
Amusement Devices
Compliance & Enforcement
Removed: Welder performance qualification tests fee. We no longer charge a fee to sign logbooks for welder performance qualification tests. Under the pressure welder certification program introduced in 2019, pressure welders pay these fees directly to the recognized test administrator, and the recognized test administrator signs the logbook. We will remove this fee from the boilers, pressure vessels, and refrigeration fee schedule.
Removed: API and National Board exam fee. We propose removing these fees from the published fee schedules. Although our boiler safety officers will continue to invigilate exams as requested by the American Petroleum Institute and the National Board, we do not offer these services publicly.
Removed: Greenhouse boiler operator exam fee. We no longer offer the greenhouse boiler operator exam and certificate.
Electrical Permits
Share Electrical Permits on Facebook Share Electrical Permits on Twitter Share Electrical Permits on Linkedin Email Electrical Permits linkChanged: Definition of Contractor Installation Permits – Single Family Residential. We propose changing the definition of “Single Family Residential” installation permits to align with the definition in the Electrical Safety Regulation instead of the definition in the BC Electrical Code. This change clarifies that only one installation permit is needed for duplexes, row housing, laneway housing, and secondary suites. The “Single Family Residential” installation permit fee category will only apply to fully detached dwellings which contain only one dwelling unit. As a result, buildings which contain multiple dwelling units (e.g. duplexes, row housing, houses with secondary suites) will instead use the “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category and will only be required to obtain one permit.
Proposed change
BC Electrical Code: “Single family dwelling”: a dwelling unit consisting of a detached house, one unit of a row house, or one unit of a semi-detached, duplex, triplex or quadruplex house
Electrical Safety Regulation: "fully detached dwelling" means any of the following if occupied or intended by the owner to be occupied as a permanent residence:
(a) any detached building containing only one dwelling unit; […]
- Use “Contractor Installation Permits – Single Family Residential” fee category
- Calculate fee using the final rating of each service installation
- Need two electrical installation permits for a duplex
- Use “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category
- Calculate fee using the job value
- Need one electrical installation permit for a duplex
Client portal settings
Selecting “Contractor Residential Multi-unit dwelling” defaults to “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category
Selecting “Contractor Residential Multi-unit dwelling” defaults to “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category (no change proposed)
This proposal clarifies two issues that cause confusion:
Which service installation rating to use when calculating fees. Single Family Residential permit fees are calculated using the “final rating of each service installation”. Without a clear definition of “service installation” in the BC Electrical Code, it is unclear whether:
- multiple permits are needed, and each permit fee is calculated using the rating of the main breaker of each unit; or
- one permit is needed, and the permit fee is calculated using the rating of the supply before it enters the meterbase.
Our proposal to use the “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category means that the fees are calculated using the job value rather than the service installation rating, and clarifies that only one permit is needed.
- Online Services default settings. Currently, if you take out a permit for a building such as a duplex or row housing in your online services account, the settings default to using the “Contractor Installation Permits – Other” fee category. We propose to keep the settings the same and change the definition in the fee schedule to use the Electrical Safety Regulation definition of “fully detached dwelling” for the “Contractor Installation Permits – Single Family Residential” fees.
Installation permits for small jobs. We propose reducing fees for lower job value installation permits. A new tier for jobs valued $150 and lower will be added and the next tiers will be adjusted to include jobs valued $0–$150, $151–$400 and $401–$1000. We’ve heard feedback from electrical contractors that they felt our permit fees were for simple jobs were disproportionately high and that it discouraged contractors from taking out permits. We hope this change encourages building owners to hire licensed contractors to conduct regulated work while also encouraging contractors to take out permits. In turn, we will receive data and insight into these lower risk, simple jobs.
Current Tier
Fee 2023
New Tier
Proposed Fee 2024
Proposed Fee 2025
<= $150
<= $250
$151 to $400
$251 to $1,000
$401 to $1,000
Installation permits for large jobs. We propose increasing fees for higher job value installation permits (with job values higher than $1000) by 8% in 2024 and 4% in 2025 to better reflect the level of risk involved in larger installations.
Current Tier
Fee 2023
New Tier
Proposed Fee 2024
Proposed Fee 2025
$1,001 to $2,500
$1,001 to $2,500
$2,501 to $5,000
$2,501 to $5,000
$5,001 to $10,000
$5,001 to $10,000
$10,001 to $20,000
$10,001 to $20,000
$20,001 to $35,000
$20,001 to $35,000
$35,001 to $50,000
$35,001 to $50,000
$50,001 to $100,000
$50,001 to $100,000
$100,001 to $200,000
$100,001 to $200,000
$200,001 to $1,000,000
$2,880 + 0.5% of job value
$200,001 to $1,000,000
$3,110 + 0.5% job value
$3,234 + 0.5% job value
$5,759 + 0.25% of job value
$6,220 + 0.25% job value
$6,469 + 0.25% job value
Hourly Rates
Share Hourly Rates on Facebook Share Hourly Rates on Twitter Share Hourly Rates on Linkedin Email Hourly Rates linkAdministrative services rate. We propose charging the same hourly rate across all technologies and programs for administrative services, such as creating custom reports and replacement certificates. As a result, the fees in some technologies would increase by more than 7% while others would be reduced.
2023 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2024 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2025 fee (per hour)
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration
Elevating Devices
Passenger Ropeways
Amusement Devices
Compliance & Enforcement
Safety services rate. We propose charging the same hourly rate across all technologies and programs for safety services, such as re-inspections, variances, and inspections (for boilers). As a result, the fees in some technologies would increase by varying amounts.
2023 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2024 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2025 fee (per hour)
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration
Elevating Devices
Passenger Ropeways
Amusement Devices
Professional services rate. We propose increasing the existing professional services rate for the Alternative Safety Approaches program by the general increase, and the rate for the compliance & enforcement program to match the safety services rate. Additionally, we propose charging the same hourly rate across all technologies for professional services, such as custom services by senior safety officers.
2023 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2024 fee (per hour)
Proposed 2025 fee (per hour)
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration
Elevating Devices
Passenger Ropeways
Amusement Devices
Alternative Safety Approaches
Compliance & Enforcement
Design Registration
Share Design Registration on Facebook Share Design Registration on Twitter Share Design Registration on Linkedin Email Design Registration linkNo fee increases until program consultation. We propose no increases and no changes to design registration at this time.
We recognize that we were unable to meet service demands this year and that our service delays impacted applicants and their customers. In the coming years, we plan to consult with boiler, gas, and elevating devices clients on how to change our design registration program to better meet their needs. We will also consult on how to structure our fees to align with any program changes.
Removed: Electrical product approval fee. We no longer offer this service, except for silver labels for manufactured homes and factory-built structures. The silver label fee is listed as “Electrical approval for a used manufactured home, used factory-built structure or a used recreational vehicle (SILVER LABEL)”.
Removed: Boiler design compliance consultation rate. We no longer offer this service.
Clarified: Gas design registration. We are changing the term “design approval” to “design registration” to clarify the difference between gas design registration and gas product approvals. This wording will be adjusted in the gas fee schedule.
Why We're Changing Our Fees
Share Why We're Changing Our Fees on Facebook Share Why We're Changing Our Fees on Twitter Share Why We're Changing Our Fees on Linkedin Email Why We're Changing Our Fees linkAs a not-for-profit public safety regulator, we do not receive government funding. Our work includes administering safety legislation and regulation and overseeing the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment in BC.
What Are Fees Used For
Fees pay for the costs of administering our safety services, including recovering costs for services that do not have fees, and investing in long-term foundational improvements.
- Education & Tech Talks. Through our education programs, we share our technical expertise and the learnings we gain through field experience and research. This year, we re-introduced in-person Tech Talks. These popular education sessions include industry-specific topics such as code changes and top non-compliances seen by safety officers.
- Technical equipment and systems assessments. We use a risk-based oversight model that supports efficient use of our resources and those of our safety system partners. This model allows us to target the underground economy and other safety system work beyond physical inspections.
- Incident investigations. We follow up on all incidents and hazards we hear about through our confidential reporting line. Our learning-centred approach to investigating incidents focuses on finding out causes and contributing factors, and identifying what actions we and our safety partners can take to prevent future incidents. We publicly share our incident investigation reports to encourage others to learn from them.
- Prevention-based initiatives. We work with industry partners to build prevention-based initiatives that consider human behaviour and incorporate insights from our incident investigation. We recently developed an Ammonia Safety Awareness Program that gives facility owners and staff the tools and knowledge to support the safety of refrigeration equipment throughout its lifecycle. This year, we piloted a chairlift safety program to learn about rider behaviour and to help prevent falls from chairlifts.
- Enforcement. We take enforcement actions that promote an equitable safety system where all participants are compliant with regulations. Recent changes to legislation have enabled us to enforce against unlicensed individuals and businesses who advertise they can do regulated work. This is a step in the right direction to tackle the underground economy.
- Public awareness campaigns. We issue public notifications for recalls, hazard awareness, and safety alerts to educate communities about safety concerns and how they can prevent hazards when interacting with technical equipment. We bring awareness to the public and equipment owners of their safety responsibilities, such as the importance of hiring licensed contractors to maintain their equipment.
- Outreach and engagement. We connect with industry associations and communities to understand your realities, share knowledge, and find ways to innovate and improve our programs and services.
- Research. We conduct research to understand the hazards and challenges in our ever-changing social, economic, and environmental circumstances. We continuously evolve our programs and services to adapt to expanding technologies in the areas we regulate. We study the effects of climate change, including how extreme weather like floods and wildfires may affect technical equipment, and how we can mitigate the risks involved. Similarly, as the province shifts to more renewable energy sources and technologies such as hydrogen, bioenergy, and solar panels, we learn and educate others on how to install, use, and maintain this equipment safely.
- Training provider recognition. We recognize courses and programs that are required for certification and renewal. We review the course material, lesson plans, and instructor information submitted by training institutions, and work closely with them to ensure they meet a high standard of education. Certificate applicants can find names and locations of recognized training providers on our website.
- National code development and adoption. We connect regularly with other safety regulators and experts to keep up to date on what is happening nationally and how we can better harmonize standards. We contribute our expertise to provincial and national safety code development committees. Recently, we adopted the latest editions of the electrical and gas codes. In the coming years, we plan to review the national codes for elevating devices, railways, and boilers, pressure vessels and refrigeration.
- Indirect costs. We pay for costs that support the safety system, such as codes and standards adoption, rent, vehicle amortization, and support function costs.
- Operating reserve. We maintain an operating reserve so we can continue offering our services in emergencies and uncertain economic conditions.
Recent Improvements
- Digital systems and business transformation. We are replacing our legacy IT systems and moving to a new platform. As part of this work, we are evolving our business processes to address the feedback we’ve heard over the years, removing unneeded administrative barriers, and improving your access to your own safety data and records. Over the next few years, you’ll see new capabilities and ongoing improvements to your Online Services portal. The new digital platform will enable us to identify safety trends much faster than before, allowing us to prioritize how we improve and develop timely, impactful programs and services.
- Amusement devices safety program redesign. We’re working to regulate trampoline courts and newer innovations as amusement devices, and adopting a new safety code in BC. We’re also developing a Responsible Person course to increase education in the industry and introducing a program that helps facility owners and staff develop their own safety plans to provide a safe environment for the public.
- Contact centre phone system upgrades. Our contact centre provides helpful and friendly service options for those who conduct business through phone. To continue providing efficient phone service, we replaced our contact centre phone system software as the former system was discontinued.
- Website redesign. We redesigned the website to improve accessibility for our clients and the public. Visitors can now find what they’re looking for faster through the improved navigation menu and a more accurate search function. We also enhanced accessibility by making the site viewable on all devices and by those with colour vision deficiency or low vision.
- Ammonia Safety Awareness Program. We collaborated with industry partners to develop a no-cost, specialized education and training program for safety in ice arenas using ammonia as a refrigerant. Our Ammonia Safety Awareness Program enables participants to establish formal maintenance and operational programs to manage risks and make informed budgetary decisions to support the safety of refrigeration equipment throughout its lifecycle.
- Licensed contractor registry. We redeveloped our online registry of licensed contractors, making it easier to use. This tool now includes recent enforcement actions, helping the public to find qualified workers and make informed hiring decisions.
Our Economic Outlook
We’ve kept our fee increases as low as possible to minimize the impact on your businesses and support you during difficult times.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, we introduced payment plans for people and businesses for more flexible options.
- We deferred our 2021 fee increase to allow businesses time to recover from the economic downturn.
- We froze fees for the amusement devices industry in 2021 as they were disproportionately impacted by pandemic shutdown measures.
This year, with lower than usual installation permit volumes in 2022 and early 2023, we are projecting to have lower revenue than expected, which will challenge our operations.
Projected service fee revenue (without proposed increases in 2024 and 2025)2
Budgeted expenses3
- In Technical Safety BC’s potential budget scenario (as of May 2023), we take into account the lower permit volumes seen in early 2023 in our revenue projections.
- In our projected revenue, we assume permit, certification, and license volumes will grow by 3% in 2024 and 2% in 2025.
- In our budgeted expenses, we assume overall costs will increase by 6% in 2024 and 5% in 2025.
For a full view of our budget and finances, read our Business Plan and Annual Report.
How We’ve Reduced Expenses
We have had to make difficult decisions this year in order to offset growing costs and all have required careful consideration. We have made every effort to reduce costs in order to avoid substantial fee increases, including:
- Introduced agile budgeting practices. We review our projected expenses throughout the year, reprioritize, defer projects that require capital spending, and redistribute funds and resources where needed.
- Reduced operating budgets. We reduced our operational expenses, including travel, non-technical training, and closing offices.
- Eliminated multiple roles at Technical Safety BC. We reorganized a number of teams and eliminated several administrative roles.
- Closed underused offices. We reduced our rental expenses by reviewing where we were underusing our office spaces. Most of these locations were leased work stations at Service BC Centres, where there were no front counter services or safety officer appointments available. We found that local safety officers were able to work effectively from home rather than the office space.
- Deferred hiring. We value our employees’ unique expertise and talents and as our employees retire or move on, we review their role and consider whether to refill the vacancy or redistribute responsibilities to other teams.
For more information, read more about our fees on our website. If you have questions about the fee consultation, please reach out to our engagement team.
Proposed Fees 2024-2025 has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions as of Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
Under Review
Proposed Fees 2024-2025 has finished this stageThis consultation closed on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Consultation report
Proposed Fees 2024-2025 has finished this stageWe have published a report on what we heard during the consultation.
Final decision
Proposed Fees 2024-2025 is currently at this stageFinal fee changes announced September 12
Documents & Proposed Fee Schedules 2024-2025
TSBC-fee-consult-2024-2025-what-we-heard-summary-report.pdf (191 KB) (pdf)
Electrical Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (263 KB) (pdf)
Gas Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (176 KB) (pdf)
Boilers, Pressure Vessels & Refrigeration Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (266 KB) (pdf)
Elevating Devices Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (143 KB) (pdf)
Passenger Ropeways Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (85.6 KB) (pdf)
Amusement Devices Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (95.9 KB) (pdf)
Railways Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (97.3 KB) (pdf)
Homeowner (Electrical & Gas) Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (93.2 KB) (pdf)
Alternative Safety Approaches Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (96.3 KB) (pdf)
Compliance & Enforcement Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (66.3 KB) (pdf)
Exam Invigilation Proposed Fee Schedule 2024-2025 (101 KB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Business Partner, Insights & Engagement
Product Leader
Online feedback sessions
May 17 2023
May 30 2023
June 06 2023
June 09 2023